As soon as your package is shipped from our warehouse, you will receive an email containing a tracking number if you have ordered for 1000 DKK or more. If you order less than 1000 DKK, you will receive an email only if the package has been shipped from our warehouse, but without a tracking number.

The reason for this is that orders under 1000 DKK are shipped with Post Nord (without tracking number), where orders over 1000 DKK are shipped with Fedex (with tracking number). If you have received an email with tracking number, you can easily and conveniently follow your package until it arrives to your mailbox or your nearest store. If you have received an email without tracking number and you have been waiting for more than 8 days, feel free to contact us and we will contact Post Nord. If there is an error in the tracking number or errors in the package, please contact us.

If you wish to exchange or return an item, we refer you to our return page that takes you through the process.

Goods must be returned to:

Att: Return
Copenhagen Silver
Donsvej 1A
8220 Brabrand

Important is to enclose a copy of the invoice, return slip and enter the order number and return cause and possibly what you want to exchange the item for.

If there are any discrepancies in the order you have received, please contact us either mail at info@copenhagensilver.com or at phone: +45 50 20 10 70.

If the package has not been shipped from our warehouse yet, you can change your order. As a starting point, the packages will be picked up from our warehouse between 2 pm and 4 pm on all weekdays.

If the product is defective upon receipt, please contact us either mail at info@copenhagensilver.com or at phone: +45 50 20 10 70.

If your product has stopped working optimally, you have a right of complaint for 2 years after the purchase. Please contact us either mail at info@copenhagensilver.com or at phone: +45 50 20 10 70.

Regular replacements are taking place in our range as we trade both used and new products. This means that some products are deleted, while others may be why you may find that a product is no longer available at the store. Contact us with a query on a specific product per. mail at info@copenhagensilver.com or at phone: +45 50 20 10 70.